O projeto ACC fronts interactions around Crozet Plateau regulating phytoplankton assemblage (ACC-PHYTO) é parte da colaboração existente entre os programas antárticos brasileiro (PROANTAR) e indiano (NCAOR). As atividades do projeto são vinculadas as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Grupo de Oceanografia de Altas Latitudes (GOAL), centrado no Instituto de Oceanografia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG).

sábado, 12 de março de 2011

SOE 2011 has ended successfully

The Indian Southern Ocean Expedition has finished sucessfully last 10th March. Several hydrographical stations and experiments were executed during the cruise. The samples for pigments analysis arrived safe and preserved to the Brazilian laboratory "Lab. de Ecologia do Fitoplâncton e Microorganismos Marinhos" located at Federal University of Rio Grande, FURG. It is expected to start the analysis through the HPLC in the following weeks under the supervision of MSC. Carlos Rafael and Dr. Virginia Tavano.